Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week 4/Thing #10

If I wasn't completely overwhelmed..................I am officially overwhelmed now!!!!!!!!! Social bookmarking.........who thinks these things up!!!!!!!!!! The slogan is weird too - "The tastiest bookmarking on the web!"

I think I need to use this several times to appreciate the benefit of it. I guess I don't work on my computer enough to see the need for this. I suppose it would save time, but I don't think my Kindergarteners will have need of this tool for a while.

Week 3/Thing #9

I was on Twitter for about 3 seconds and I was following 20 people! I also had 2 people following me - no, I am not that popular!!!!!! It seems that Twitter adds people automatically and other people somehow follow anyone who joins! I have now learned how to unfollow people and block people. I did check the tweachers web page and added some of those people to my list. I also looked on Nancy's Twitter page and added some of those to my list. Still not sold on this form of communication. It seems like busy work to me!

Week 3/Thing #9

OK...........not sure what this Twitter thing is all about but I have signed up for an account. I am not sure if there is value in get short messages from people I don't really know or whose opinion I may not want. Anyway, I will follow the tweets and see what I think after a week.

Week3/Thing #8

Not sure how to leave a blog on another site. I am also being distracted by some fabulous information on one of the blogs about web 4.0. I thought I was catching up learning web 2.0 - not! There is a great you tube video called "Did you know 4.0" you should watch it if you get the chance.

Anyway, back to leaving a blog on someone else site! I decided to leave a comment on the site about the web 4.0.

I forgot to leave my link to this blog and I am not sure I want to do another post to leave my link.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Week 3/Thing #7

I now know what a web-based aggregator is! I signed up for Google Reader and have started the process of adding subscriptions. The link to the first video tour for Google Reader doesn't work but #2 link did work and was very good.

I loved the David Warlick blog about ways to manage the information which I think would quickly become overwhelming.

I did subscribe to the Gazette newspaper feed in Google Reader and am interested to see what will come through. I am also adding feeds from the recommended sites and will try to find some on my own.

Week 3/thing #7

OK................I had to play the psychedelic video of part 2 of the PLN tutorial several times to take it all in. I did, however, click on it accidently and found out it plays while minimized in the taskbar................nice!

After reading about RSS...................I love it! It is a bit like going out to the store versus shopping online - one you have to go out and bring the items back and the other gets delivered to you! Now the problem is I have to go out and search to see who I want to send me information. Once again, it is the same old problem of how much time I have to do it!

Week 3/Thing #7

Just a thought as I get deeper into this world of glogging, blogging, and other things........... I feel like I am entering a new world. It feels a bit like I have opened Pandora's box. I only wish there was some sort of time warp where I can spend four hours on the computer in the world of glogging, blogging and PLN's and when I returned only 4 minutes had passed. Now that would be an invention............ Well, back to learning about PLN's!!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 2/Thing #6

Had trouble with the Glogster site. I am not sure if it was my computer or the web site. I got the pink doughnut going round and round forever! After three tries I got to the page. Wasn't sure what I was doing and I think it will take some time to figure it out to have any benefit. I am not sure if anyone else had this problem, but when I tried to view the different choices for text, wall, etc. I could not see the thumbnails of the items but if I clicked on the blank squares and I could see them in the preview window at the side. I could see that this would be valuable for students and teachers, but it could take a lot of time.

For what is is worth, here is the link to my page:

Week 2/Thing #5

Uploading to Flickr was a fairly simple process for me because I have uploaded photos to Wal Mart and I just wanted to try to see if it is as user friendly as the others and it is. It didn't take too long, but I only had four photos to upload. Also, it is good to SAVE so that you don't have to do it twice!!!!

I wonder how long it takes to upload videos and if that is a simple as uploading photos?

I did have trouble figuring out how to rotate the photos. You have to put them in a batch and then apply the changes.

Here is the link (I think)

On a different subject - I was surprised at the number of photos of children's faces in the Flickr groups, etc. I know we have fairly strict guidelines about posting student photos. I guess other places have different guidelines. I am not sure how I feel about that since it is available to the rest of the world.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week2/Thing #5

I tried the Trading Card wasn't that hard to do but the choices are limited. I wasn't sure what the icons meant. I also tried the magazine cover which was more fun that the trading card. The Hockneyizer is very interesting and rather strange. My favorite was the jigsaw maker (you can order a real puzzle, too!). They are fun tools and there are lots of them!

Week 2/Thing #4

OK, I have to admit that I thought having a good look round Flickr was not going to be that difficult. Well.............I was quite overwhelmed with the number of results that came up on the first search. I typed in "Kindergarten" and there were almost 60,000 photos, 321 groups, and 94 people. I think this will take some time to be able to navigate it better. I love old photos and I did find a very interesting post about a 1905 photo album with photos of a school and Kindergarten. If you look on the right you can go through the album pages. Here is the link:

When I checked this link I had trouble with it so I am not sure I did it right. Let me know if you are not able to go to the page and I will try and fix it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

You Tube Fair Use - Week 1/Thing #3

I have used some You Tube videos in my classroom, but have not create any videos yet. Fair Use is not something I am too familiar with. I think I will have to work on a project before I can wrap my head around understanding Fair Use.

Copyright - Week1/Thing #3

I have a new insight into copyright material now. I have always worried when doing searches for resources like photos and clip art to use in the classroom that I might accidently use something that was copyrighted. I loved the usage rights filter in advanced search options in Google Image Search because it will only show images that are "labeled for reuse" which will save me time!!!!! Love that!!!!!!! Anything that saves me time is always awesome!